The Little Things
February 15, 2013

On Valentine’s Day while growing up I was always so excited to go downstairs and see what my mom had at my place at the kitchen table. Since all of us are now out of the house, my mom has taken to mailing us boxes, which I shared here last year. However, I went home two weekends ago, and I got to be apart of making the Valentine’s Day packages for the first time! I had a blast getting everything ready for my brothers, knowing how much they would appreciate it (and knowing how excited I was to eat everything too!). Instead of buying us big bags of each type of candy (as my mom says- no one needs that much of one type of candy!), each bag gets split into 4 smaller baggies. This gives us a little taste of each of our favorite candies without getting bogged down with too much sugar! (just a hint for the future…). Here are some of the fun goodies we divided up this year:

Vday package 2013Cinnamon and cherry hearts, candy hearts, hard cherry candies, fun V-day napkins, and a mix of 3 types of tea!

Vday package 2013-2

Sugar cookies! I made these one morning, and they’re delicious! Some just have sprinkles on top, some have almond flavor frosting, and some have cherry vanilla frosting using this recipe.

Cupcake Towel

Cupcake Towel! I LOVE IT.

Splitting up packages of things also keeps the cost down, which is an extra perk! While I was at home, I also made mocha brownies for my family, and added this fun Valentine’s Day twist:

Heart Sprinkle BrowniesI’m always a fan of sprinkles, but when they’re pink and heart shaped, I’m obsessed!

Clearly I like to splurge a bit when it comes to Valentine’s Day. I also enjoy brightening others’ days with little treats now and then too!

Besides my great treats, I had a great Valentine’s Day. I won’t write much about it, but this post from last year sums up my day pretty well. I tried to weave in all sorts of things that I loved yesterday, including wearing hot pink pants to work, starting my day with salted caramel mocha, going to a job that I love, running a 5k after work, going on a walk with a friend, watching Big Bang, and ending my day with this cupcake. All things I love:) Oh, and of course talking to the people I’m thankful for too…

Now it’s your turn to share! Did you give or receive anything fun on Valentine’s Day? 


2 responses to “Valentine’s Day Treats {take 2}”

  1. I surprised Dave with some Flyer’s tickets. I hid them in the bottom of a box with his small ticket items and he didn’t see them at first. I was like… I think you missed something. It was fun seeing his reaction!

    Our sweet treat was some chocolate covered strawberries, SO good!

    Happy Vday <3

  2. I adore that you rocked hot pink pants at work! All of your treats look super yummy, too. The hubby and I are totally low key people so we tend to shy away from all the commercialism but there were still the traditional flowers and cards exchanged. <3