The Little Things
May 9, 2013

Last November before my 2nd half marathon I did a running edition of thankful thursday, and today I’m here to do it again. But to start with, a quote:

Over the years, I’ve given myself a thousand reasons to keep running, but it always comes back to where it started. It comes down to self-satisfaction and a sense of achievement.” – Steve Prefontaine

I’m thankful that I had the courage to keep running after my first run. I shared all about my first run here. I almost passed out and had to inhabit someone’s front yard for about 15 minutes before I could shuffle home. And here I am running half marathons. I’m thankful that I found the courage within me to keep running and pushing myself.

I’m thankful that, for the most part, I find satisfaction in my running. I want to do well and I want to beat other times, but most days (note: not EVERY day though!), I feel satisfaction in what I’ve run even if it’s slow. I have POTS, and that alone makes it pretty satisfying that I’m able to run at all. When I’m able to keep that perspective I feel really satisfied.

I’m thankful for my trusty Brooks Adrenalines. These things have now carried me through training and running three half marathons, a sprint triathlon, and a handful of 5ks. I love these shoes, and am thankful I found them in December of 2011!

I’m thankful for the online running community! It’s been fun to train for the same race as people I’ve “met” online and “known” for a year or two. I’m thankful for the advice, encouragement, and strength of the running community, and how it continues to encourage and push me.

I’m thankful for my family. My youngest brother and parents were standing out in the rain cheering me on for 13 miles this past weekend. My youngest brother came to my first half, but I had no one there for my second half, so it was nice to know that there were friendly and familiar faces out on the course especially because I was in so much pain!

I’m thankful that I was able to finish my half marathonWith the amount of pain I was in, I really did question for a mile or two if I would be able to finish. I’m thankful I had somewhere deep inside me to go to that gave me the strength to finish.

Now it’s your turn to share! What are you feeling thankful for today? If you’re a runner, tell me what you’re specifically thankful for about running! 

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