The Little Things
January 21, 2014

2013 brought some surprises and changes in the area of exercise and fitness for me, and, as I’m hoping that they will continue on throughout 2014, I decided to write a bit about them.

We’ll see what changes in 2014, or if I really hit an exercise grove in 2013. I’m open to surprises, that’s for sure!

Now it’s your turn to share! What’s one thing you’ve been surprised about recently in terms of your own exercise? Do you like to mix it up with exercise or do you tend to stick to one or two things?

2 responses to “Fitness Surprises in 2013”

  1. You’ve got a lot going on, that’s awesome! I feel like such a slacker in comparison. I’m constantly surprised at how easily I fall back into my lazy ways. I need to get back out there!

    • Caroline says:

      Last year was a crazy year of change for me in the exercise front. Signing up for races is the main thing that keeps me exercising, even when I don’t really feel like it.