The Little Things
April 2, 2014

A few weeks ago I saw that the Rock n’ Roll  Series was hosting a 5k virtual run to get people hyped up for their Las Vegas race. Because the virtual run was free (and if you signed up you got a free shirt!), I signed up right away!

Unfortunately, because I signed up late into the window of race dates (and had plans this past weekend that made it difficult to run), I ended up running after I went in to my office on Friday on the treadmill at work. Let’s just say this- it wasn’t my day.

After a few awesome runs over the last month, it was a little sad to have this run go down the way that it did. But, I guess not all days are running days after all.

I had a big lunch at work (when the company buys lunch, you gotta take advantage of that, right?), and while it was just about an hour and a half after I finished running that I jumped on the treadmill, my stomach hurt the entire run. Well, it didn’t HURT hurt, but I had this cramp that wouldn’t go away, and which slowed me down a bit. The other problem that the work gym has is that they don’t keep it cool enough in there, AND they don’t have any fans going in there. The air usually feels hot, heavy, and stale, which certainly doesn’t lend itself to a good running environment.

The first mile I clocked in at 11:50-ouch! It took about 1.25 miles for my legs to feel like they loosened up a bit. My miles got a bit faster  after that. My 3.1 miles clocked in at the following:

Picture 10

Not my best. In fact, it’s a few minutes slower than my 5k PR. I ended up running .4 miles after this, leading to a 3.5 mile run. It was a tough one, both mentally and physically. I think I had a harder time than I thought adjusting back to the treadmill surface and the stuffiness of the gym after the freedom of the road. I tried to listen to a podcast and completely shut down from what I was doing, and that definitely helped.

Now it’s your turn to share! What do you do when you’re having a tough workout or race?

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