The Little Things
February 25, 2012

Saturdays have been my long run day since the beginning of 2012. Since I’ve been battling with shin splints, my Saturdays have felt a little bit empty. Instead of just giving up on my Saturday work outs, I decided to go out on a 3 mile walk. I bundled up warmly, as this was the weather outside:

Brr! It was certainly windy. While walking in certain directions, my eyes were watering enough that I could hardly see. Maybe it’s actually nice that I didn’t end up running 8 miles in this weather today?

While I was walking, I actually remembered that when I signed up for the half marathon, part of my plan was to maybe walk 25% of it if necessary. Since I started training though I’ve done almost no walking. I think it’s important that I put in walking/speed walking into my training plan as well, so I can build those muscles well for race day as well. So, I guess walking needs to go back into the training plan on a regular basis. I used to walk 4-5 days last year, but those days started getting cut back, and eventually out almost completely, as I picked up running and then training for the 1/2.

With all the cross training that I’m doing, I’m looking for some good podcasts to listen to, especially in the healthy living, nutrition, and fitness areas. If you have any that you enjoy, I’d love to hear them.

Now it’s your turn to share! Do you like to walk, or do you get bored? Do you have any podcasts that you enjoy? If yes, what are they? 

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