The Little Things
November 13, 2014

Happy Thursday!! This week our temperatures have taken a nose dive as our daily high has dropped, which I feel sad about. I’ve caved and put on my bike trainer tire (meaning I’m stuck inside until spring), and I’m able to spend fewer hours outside. It’s easy to dwell on this, and I’m trying hard to balance this sad reality with the reality of all the other good things in life as well (isn’t it amazing how gratitude and reframing thoughts can help increase our mood?). Here’s what I’m thankful for right now:

I’m thankful for a really productive Sunday. This past Sunday I got TONS of things checked off my list, and it helped me feel a little lighter this entire week! After going to church, I did my grocery shopping and meal prep for the week (plus I made pumpkin bars as a “little thing” treat for myself!). I finally got all my pots of flowers (which just died less than 2 weeks ago) cleaned up and the plants themselves thrown away (so sad- my porch looks sad already), hung up my outdoor Christmas lights, unpacked, cleaned, washed a bunch of dishes, went biking, wrote my blog posts for the week, and even had a few hours at the end of the night to relax! I’m thankful for getting things accomplished!

I’m thankful for the beautiful plants I got to appreciate for almost 6 months. While I’m sad to get rid of the plants I spent all summer caring for, I’m also thankful for the almost 6 months that I got to enjoy them and care for them. I find a therapeutic effect in watering, fertilizing, and deadheading plants, so to be able to do that for so many months was really nice. I’m thankful for the bright greens and cheerful colors that the pots brought to my life, both while I was outside, and while sitting in my living room.

Porch Flowers

I’m thankful for fresh air. The last 6 months I’ve kept my windows open every day, and I’ve started to appreciate fresh air far more than ever before. Now that it’s getting chilly, I still find myself pausing for an extra moment or two while outside to take a few extra deep breaths of the air. Life really is about the little things, isn’t it?

I’m thankful I have a bike trainer. Every time I recognize that I’m complaining about not being able to bike outside, I remind myself that I’m lucky that I have a bike trainer. I can bike whenever I want, and can watch TV, a movie, read a book or magazine, or talk on the phone while biking on it, which is fantastic! I’m thankful I can still bike all winter.

I’m thankful for the opportunity to listen to lectures from great speakers. Whether it’s via a video, documentary, TED talk, podcast, or in person, we have access to so much information! I’m thankful that I’ve learned how to take advantage of so many of these outlets and opportunities for learning!

Now it’s your turn to share! What are you feeling thankful for today? What’s your favorite means to listen to great lectures?

7 responses to “Thankful Thursday”

  1. Melissa says:

    Thankful for: endless clean, cold water (because as I often forget, there are people who don’t have the same!) to drink… a couch to sleep on… and people that know me well enough to get me a kitty suit!

  2. Bri says:

    Hi! I’m suddenly wanting a bike trainer! It would be perfect for those nights I just want to lay on the couch and watch my shows. Instead I could get in some miles! What kind do you have and do you like it?? I’m thankful for my health today. Got in a fantastic PiYo workout this morning and that always starts my day off right!

    • says:

      I love being able to get in a good cardio workout while watching a movie! I can get in a 28-30 mile ride during a shorter movie, so it’s a pretty great deal! I have a blackburn trainer- I didn’t go about actually picking one out because a neighbor was getting rid of it, so I just scooped that one up for free! I really like mine though. I’ve been wanting to try PiYo!

  3. That’s so funny, I was just scrolling through some TED talks right before reading this. I am always looking for great lectures and topics to share with my students. If you come across any on motivation, emotion, or relationships, let me know. 🙂

    Today I am thankful that it is snowing, even though this has thrown a wrench into marathon training. I feel like, in a way, it is helping me to relax and slow down.

  4. Can’t wait to see you this weekend!!