The Little Things
November 27, 2014

For all of you who celebrate Thanksgiving- HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!

This is a weird Thanksgiving for me because it’s the first year that I’m not going to be at my parents’ house on Thanksgiving Day… at least since 1988 (we moved into the house in the spring of 1989). This was the only holiday that I’ve consistently spent there, so it’s strange to not be there. Just like last year, 2014 has been a difficult year in so many ways. I keep most of my personal life off the blog due to my job as a counselor, but this year has been filled with many deep losses (my grandpa dying and cat passing away were just the surface) and all sorts of pain. Those things have been so very hard, but the year has also been SO. VERY. GOOD. I’ve had so many beautiful gifts placed into my life, whether that be experiences, people, goals being met, or moments in nature. Life is beautiful, even in the midst of pain and suffering. I’m so thankful for that.

Today, on this day of Thanksgiving, I have so much to be thankful for. My life is full of people who love and value me, both friends and family, new and old. My health, while certainly not great due to POTS, could be so much worse, so I’m thankful that it’s not getting worse. I’m thankful for doctors and medications that allow me to function well. I’m thankful for the miles I’ve walked, run, and biked. I’m thankful for the hours spent on the phone and texting with friends who aren’t close by. I’m thankful for hugs and laughter. I’m thankful for beautiful sunrises and sunsets, gorgeous flowers, peaceful snow falls, and changing leaves. I’m thankful for this beautiful air that I breathe, for the ease in getting water. I’m thankful for peace and hope in suffering. I’m thankful for the lessons that come out of struggle. And I’m overwhelmingly thankful that the bigger story is that IT IS WELL. Life is beautiful, and I am thankful.

When it comes to thankfulness, this is the song I’ve thought of for well over a decade, and is one that I shared on Thanksgiving last year:

Happy Thanksgiving to each of you, no matter where you’re at in the world. Today, whether this is your Thanksgiving holiday or not, recognize what life has given to you. Even in pain, it’s beautiful.

2 responses to “I’m Thankful For Beauty {Happy Thanksgiving}”

  1. Happy belated Thanksgiving.